About me

A photo of a white woman with blonde hair. She is wearing an orange dress and sunglasses, and is standing in front of a green van.

What experience do I have?

I’ve been a freelance SEO copywriter for four years now. I trained as an in-house general SEO before I took off on my own, so bring a well-rounded SEO perspective to everything I work on. I specialise in long-form copy (like blog posts and whitepapers), but have earned my copywriting stripes working on all sorts of projects.

The lady behind the computer screen

My interests include reading, D&D, theatre, cinema, museums and galleries, loud music, theme parks, and weird, niche tourist attractions. I have a growing interest in fashion history, despite the fact I cannot draw a straight line (let alone sew one). I also drink iced coffee all year long, even when it’s snowing.